Lesson 24. Operation and Maintenance of Manure Storage Facilities

The LPES Curriculum CD available from MWPS contains all lessons at print quality resolution, is searchable, and includes an index and PowerPoint presentations for each lesson. A full, printed version is available as is a 2-CD set of the lessons in PageMaker format. For more information or to purchase LPES materials, contact MWPS by phone at 1-800-562-3618, by fax at 1-515-294-9589, or by e-mail at mwps@iastate.edu

View Lesson 24 (PDF file). Individual sections can be accessed below.

Intended Outcomes

The participants will

  • Practices and operations necessary to maintain environmentally sound manure storage facilities.
  • Significance of a pumpdown marker and maintaining a liner.



The participants will

  • Estimate manure-handling requirements (pumpdown/hauling time and frequency).
  • Develop a manure storage inspection checklist.
  • Develop a record-keeping plan for self assessment or as required by regulation.

Authors: Charles Fulhage and John Hoehne