Value of Manure Library for Educators and Advisors


Manure is a resource that comes with many benefits and challenges.  This library is designed to provide educators and advisors with access to recommended resources that will assist you in your discussion of manure’s benefits and challenges.  Educators, please feel free to share and re-purpose educational products in this library with local audiences. Advisors, the library’s resources shall provide you with decision tools and educational products for enriching your discussions with clientele and rural community residents.

How to find materials

For those seeking specific resources, materials are organized visually by topic area and type of media. For those that would rather search materials more linearly, there is a grid version available.

In all views, there is a search button in the top right corner that looks like a magnifying glass and an expansion button that looks like two outward pointing arrows to view in full screen.

By Topic Area

Preview of manure value library database sorted by topic.
    • Manure as a fertilizer
    • Manure economics
    • Soil quality/health effects
    • Water quality effects
    • Use in organic systems
    • Neighbors
    • Regulatory concerns
    • Logistics

By Media Type:

Preview of manure value library database sorted by purpose.
    • Social media
    • Short news articles and web pages
    • Educational publications
    • Decision support tools
    • Recommended research articles


Instructions for Re-purposing Educational Content

Our team encourages and welcomes educators and advisors re-purposing of many of the social media and web page/news article resources found in this library.  Would these resources be helpful to you for Tweeting to your followers? Assembling talking points for a local radio presentation or discussion with a county board?  Or adding an article to local print media or your blog?

Example of social media graphic to be re-purposed.
    • Twitter Posts:  A broad range of Twitter posts, graphics with an educational message and short text introduction, are included for use with your social media connections.  Please re-purpose these for your local use. We ask that you maintain the “N Extension” and “WSA” logos in your re-purposed post.  You may replace the “Manure Happens. Take Credit” caption and the “Learn more at: http:// ________”  with an appropriate recognition of your organization and/or a web page that you would like to promote.
    • Web Page/News Articles:  Many of these library products can be repurposed for a variety of local uses.  News articles and web pages may be revised to add local information with the new authors name included if the original authors continue to be listed.
    • Any Educational Products:  Any of the Library resources may be used as talking points for a local radio broadcast or community group presentations. Please recognize the original authors and resource title in your presentation.


Is something missing from our library?

We welcome your suggestions of resources that you have found beneficial in your educational or advisory role.  Please email any of the project team members with your suggestions or submit them via our google form for our consideration.


The project team assembling this product includes Amy Schmidt, Leslie Johnson, and Rick Koelsch, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Erin Cortus and Melissa Wilson, University of Minnesota; and Dan Andersen, Iowa State University.  These resources represent our recommendations for discussing the Value of Manure.

This product was assembled with financial assistance from the North Central Region Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education program.  NCR-SARE is one of four regional offices that run the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, a nationwide grants and education program to advance sustainable innovation to American agriculture.