Calculating Dynamic Setback Maps Workshop


MyFarms, the software development team that manages the Manure Management Planner (MMP) desktop application, is now making it easy for TSPs to make beautiful manure setback maps that comply with government guidelines for use in Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs). After using the MyFarms web-based platform to navigate a simple process (described below), the TSP will be able to download three digital assets from MyFarms including: 1.) The *.mmp project file, 2.) The PDF manure setback map book, and 3.) Manure setback images. TSPs will benefit from producing these downloads whether they use MMP or not and at any point in the planning process (i.e., before, during, or after entering data into MMP).

What Did We Do?

TSPs will begin by using MyFarms, a cloud-based field data management platform, to automatically fetch field boundaries from other cloud-based applications, such as Climate FieldView or the John Deere Operations Center. If the producer does not use one of those systems, the TSP can upload shapefiles, after exporting them from a different system. Or, if the producer has no field boundaries available, they can be created in MyFarms using existing field geometries.

After setting up field boundaries, the TSP will navigate a wizard-like process to create a “Feature Map” including wells, streams, water control structures, facilities, and roads. Then, the TSP can create a “Manure Setback Map” (below), by specifying the manure application practice(s) associated with each feature. As each selection is made, MyFarms dynamically calculates the setback area surrounding the feature so the user can easily see the relationship between the application practice, the setback distance, and the setback area.

After a setback map has been created for each field, the TSP can export the data they entered in MyFarms as an *.mmp project file, which can be used to create a new project in MMP. If the TSP has already used MMP to generate a CNMP in Word format, they can export setback map images and paste them into the Word document. Or, if the TSP does not use MMP at all, they can export the setback maps as a standalone document in PDF format.

What Will You Learn in this Workshop?

You will learn of what NRCS is doing to modernize the manure management planning process through state-of-the-art, cloud-based software.  As a starting point, you will learn how to create professional looking manure setback maps more accurately and easily than ever before. Following the workshop, MyFarms will be available to register your own account, so you can take what you have learned into your next CNMP-focused client engagement.

Future Plans

The MMP Download(s) solution is the first of numerous steps that will be taken by Purdue University, NRCS, and MyFarms to modernize the manure management planning workflow. Over time, state-specific policies, logic, and reference data will be added to this foundation, to deliver a more pleasing end-to-end user experience.


Chris Fennig, Managing Director, MyFarms

Corresponding author email address

Additional Information


This solution is being built in partnership with Purdue University and NRCS.


The authors are solely responsible for the content of these proceedings. The technical information does not necessarily reflect the official position of the sponsoring agencies or institutions represented by planning committee members, and inclusion and distribution herein does not constitute an endorsement of views expressed by the same. Printed materials included herein are not refereed publications. Citations should appear as follows. EXAMPLE: Authors. 2022. Title of presentation. Waste to Worth. Oregon, OH. April 18-22, 2022. URL of this page. Accessed on: today’s date.

Developing a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP)

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Livestock producers are presented with a number of challenges and opportunities. Developing a quality Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) can effectively help landowners address natural resource concerns related to soil erosion, water quality, and air quality from manure management. As livestock operations continue to expand and concentrate in certain parts of the country, utilizing a CNMP becomes even more important. Following the NRCS 9-step planning process is critical in developing a good plan. Effective communication is a key element between all parties involved in the planning process. A CNMP documents the decisions made by the landowner for the farmstead area, crop and pasture area, and nutrient management. Information will cover the elements essential for developing a quality CNMP.

What did we do?

Since the CNMP documents the records of decisions by the landowner, it has to be organized in such a fashion that it is understandable to and usable by the landowner. The CNMP is the landowner’s plan. Therefore, the role of the planner is to help landowners do the things that will most benefit them and the resources in the long run. This will take both time and effort. To provide consistency with other conservation planning efforts within NRCS, CNMPs following the same process outlined in the National Planning Procedures Handbook. There are several items that are essential for a quality CNMP to be developed:

• Have a good understanding of potential resource concerns especially soil erosion, water quality and air quality.

• Make the appropriate number of site visits. Trying to do this from the office will likely lead to a poor quality CNMP that may not be implemented.

• Address resource concerns for the Farmstead and Crop and Pasture areas.

• Ensure that all nutrient sources are addressed.

• Follow the 9 steps of planning.

• Decisions are agreed upon by the landowner. The CNMP reflects the landowner’s record of decisions.

• Follow-up to address any questions or concerns.

• Update as necessary. A CNMP is not a static document.


Land application of animal manure without proper land treatment practices

Muddy field with standing water

Proper animal manure storage required to address water quality issues

Picture of lined water bed

Evaluation of storage area to adequately address surface and subsurface
water quality issues

Picture of tractor and tanker spreader

Land application and nutrient management are critical elements for a
properly prepared CNMP

What have we learned?

The quality of CNMPs varies greatly across the country. Some were becoming so large that landowners were having difficulty finding the activities that needed to be completed. The revised CNMP format and process following the NRCS Conservation Planning approach should improve both the quality and usability of the plans developed. Due to statutes in the Farm Bill, all conservation practices recorded in the record of decision of the CNMP, whether receiving financial assistance or not, must be implemented by the end of the established contract period between the landowner and NRCS. Therefore it is important to only include the practices that are going to be implemented. CNMPs should be periodically updated to account for operational changes such as animal numbers, cropping systems, or land application methods.

Future Plans

The CNMP planning process will be evaluated to determine whether landowner objectives are being met and resource concerns properly addressed. Additional evaluations will look at the consistency of the plans generated across the country and the usability by landowners.

Corresponding author, title, and affiliation

Jeffrey P. Porter, P.E.; National Animal Manure and Nutrient Management Team Leader, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service

Corresponding author email

Additional information


USDA-NRCS General Manual – Title 190, Part 405 – Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans

USDA-NRCS Handbooks – Title 180, Part 600 – National Planning Procedures Handbook

Code of Federal Register (CFR) Title 7, Part 1466 – Environmental Quality Incentives Program (1466.7 EQIP Plan of Operations and 1466.21 Contract Requirements)


Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans and the Planning Process –

The authors are solely responsible for the content of these proceedings. The technical information does not necessarily reflect the official position of the sponsoring agencies or institutions represented by planning committee members, and inclusion and distribution herein does not constitute an endorsement of views expressed by the same. Printed materials included herein are not refereed publications. Citations should appear as follows. EXAMPLE: Authors. 2017. Title of presentation. Waste to Worth: Spreading Science and Solutions. Cary, NC. April 18-21, 2017. URL of this page. Accessed on: today’s date.