The Importance of Nitrogen Stabilization

This session will highlight the importance of nitrification inhibitors and how they help delay the conversion of the ammonium form of nitrogen into the nitrate form which then can lead to leaching and denitrification. By using a nitorgen stabilizer, the plant has access to the ammonium form of nitrogen for a longer period of time in the root zone, where it needs it the most.

What Did We Do?

The active ingredient in Instinct II and N-Serve, nitrapyrin, is formulated to put the bacteria known as nitrosomonas, which convert the ammonia form of nitorgen to nitrate nitrogen in the soil, in a static state so that the ammonia form can be uptaken by the plant in the most stable form of nitrogen. Our product treats the soil, not the nitrogen, but uses nitrogen as the carrier, to prevent leaching and denitrification that can occur from warm, wet soils in the spring season. Our product has been tested and approved by the EPA for 40 years and has have numerous (189+) 3rd party and university data that supports that it does what we say it does, inhibits nitrification. In addition, there are other advantages to protecting your nitrogen investment which can lead to higher yields, faster dry down, higher test weight in corn and wheat and in addition, has no negative effect on protein on wheat. Instinct II can be used in UAN, Urea, or Liquid Manure. N-Serve is used on anhydrous ammonia.

What Have We Learned?

Based on the 189+ different 3rd party and university trials, plus the meta-anaylsis published in 2004, we have proven to increase crop yield by 7%, increase soil retention by 28%, decrease nitrogen leaching by 16%, and decease greenhouse gas emission by 51%. Our retention is extremely high on his product, and has proven to be a significant benefactor when used in manure (this year along, our averages on yield increase have been 12+ bushels). Future plans further expansion to outside of US markets, Canada, China, UK, and Australia alongside other EU countries. Further market expansion in the United States into other crops such as specialty crops markets, improvement on formulation for newer, expanding markets.


Tiffany Galloway

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