Dust From Cattle Feedyards: A Case Study From Texas

When talking about air quality around animal agriculture, one of the most common neighbor complaints comes from dust (sometimes also called particulate matter).  Dust is given off from cattle feedyards as animals move around on the pen surface. Although this dust usually settled out of the air relatively close to the feedlot, it can lead to nuisance issues with neighbors or nearby roadways. What causes dust emissions and how can we manage cattle feedyards in ways that reduce dust?

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This video was authored by the late Dr. Ron Sheffield, Louisiana State University AgCenter. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Dr. Rick Stowell, rstowell2@unl.edu

These materials were developed by the Air Quality Education in Animal Agriculture (AQEAA) project with with financial support from the National Research Initiative Competitive Grant 2007-55112-17856 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.