Utilization of Woody Biomass and Manure as Agricultural Soil Amendments in Nebraska

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While Eastern Redcedar are native to Nebraska and much of the Central U.S., the ability of these trees to thrive in many soils and under a broad range of climatic conditions has contributed to their designation as an invasive species. Cedar tree proliferation negatively impacts agriculture by reducing groundwater availability, compromising grazing land, impeding forage production for cattle, and altering surface water flows. Agricultural crop and livestock producers depend on affordable access to water, healthy and productive soils, and quality grazing land to remain profitable. Land treatment practices that return organic matter to soil improve soil health, which in turn positively impacts crop productivity, soil water holding capacity, soil fertility, and grazing land forage quality and productivity. This project is investigating the use of two readily available by-products in Nebraska, livestock manure and cedar tree wood chips,  as amendments on agricultural land to improve soil productivity metrics. The overall goal of this project is to demonstrate a value-added use for woody biomass to offset the cost of tree management activities and encourage landowner management of cedars.

What did we do? 

Crop year 2016 was the first year of the Woody Biomass and Manure Project. Six treatments were applied to 12-m x 10-m plots within cooperators’ fields following the 2015 harvest:

1. woody biomass (WB1), 6 ton/ac

2. woody biomass (WB2), 12 ton/ac

3. woody biomass with liquid N (WBLN), 6 ton/ac

4. woody biomass with swine manure (WBSM), 6 ton/ac

5. woody biomass with cattle manure (WBCM), 6 ton/ac

6. control (Cont), no amendments

Manure and liquid nitrogen treatments received less than 30 lbs ac-1 of N in the fall. The experiment is a completely randomized block design with four replications of each treatment, for a total of 24 plots, at each of the sites. Since the plots were established within existing crop fields, the producers were encouraged to continue their current management strategies. Both sites were irrigated, and fertilizer was applied uniformly across all plots using the pivot throughout the growing season.

Soil was sampled for chemical and biological properties in the spring and fall of 2016 and sent to a commercial lab for analyses. Rye was sampled by hand harvesting 0.25 square feet from four locations within each plot for a total of 1 square foot. Corn was sampled by hand harvesting six plants from each plot. Stand counts were also completed. WATERMARK sensors were installed at three depths (1, 2, and 3 ft) in two replications of four treatments (WBCM, WB1, WB2, Cont) at both sites. Additionally, temperature sensors were installed at a depth of 1 ft. A total of 16 plots were monitored (8 plots per site with 2 replications of 4 treatments).

What have we learned? 

Soil biological and chemical characteristics have not been affected during the first year. There were no differences in the amount or type of soil microbes due to treatment. WBCM and WBLN had greater soil nitrate than WB1 and WBSM early in the spring. Additionally, WBCM had greater soil K than the other treatments. Other than these two instances, there were no differences in organic matter, pH, and macronutrients. However, this is not surprising since measurable changes in soil properties typically occur over many years and manure application rate was relatively low. More importantly, though, is that microbial populations were not decreased by the cedar mulch.

Cedar mulch applications did not decrease biomass yield of corn and rye when applied with nitrogen. In fact, in the rye, WBLN had the greatest biomass yields followed by WBCM, WB1, WBSM, and Cont. WB2 had the lowest rye biomass, which was probably due to nitrogen tie-up by the wood chips due to the initially higher C:N ratio. There was no treatment effect for corn biomass or stand counts.

At the site planted to corn at a depth of one foot, the three woody biomass treatments monitored (WB1, WB2, and WBCM) were significantly wetter and cooler than the control from mid-June until mid-July. WBCM was also wetter at a depth of two feet than the control. Unfortunately, due to rodent activity, statistical analyses at the rye site and other times of the growing season are not possible. The differences in soil moisture and temperature are probably due to shading and the physical barrier to evaporation that the wood chips supply. The increased soil moisture under the woody biomass treatments could reduce irrigation.

Future Plans  

In order to apply for competitive funding, we need more supporting data. We are going to increase monitoring of soil moisture and temperature, so that three replications of all six treatments are monitored at both sites. Additionally, a greenhouse study will be conducted to provide water quality data and rate of decomposition of the wood chips.

Corresponding author, title, and affiliation       

Linda Schott, Extension Graduate Research Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Corresponding author email   


Other authors   

Amy Schmidt, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Amy Timmerman, Associate Extension Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Adam Smith, Assistant Forester, Nebraska Forest Service

Additional information               

More information can be found at: manure.unl.edu


This project is funded by the Nebraska Forest Service. We would like to thank the Middle Niobrara Natural Resource District, especially Mike Murphy, Travis Connot, and Zach Peterson, for their assistance to this project. We would also like to thank the Nebraska Forest Service, especially Richard Woollen, Adam Smith, and Heather Nobert, for their assistance to this project. Additionally, this project would not be possible without our two farmer cooperators, Leonard Danielski and Greg Wilke.

USDA-NRCS Conservation Practice Standard: Amending Soil Properties with Gypsum Products

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The US Department of Agriculture National Resource Conservation Service is tasked with providing support to preserve the nation’s natural resources.  They provide farmers with financial and technical assistance to voluntarily put conservation practices on the ground by promoting methods to preserve and improve natural resources and promoting Best Management Practices for environmentally sound farm production.  The NRCS uses technical guides or “Conservation Practice Standards”, which contain technical information about the conservation of soil, water, air, and related plant and animal resources, as the primary scientific references for this process.  Recently, the NRCS has developed a new national conservation practice standard for the use of gypsum to improve soil resources.  This presentation will discuss the specifics of this standard and the particular relevance to animal waste management.

The NRCS national conservation practice standards entitled “Amending Soil Properties with Gypsum Products” has the following definition: using gypsum- (calcium sulfate dihydrate) derived products to change the physical and/or chemical properties of soil.  The standard outlines the use of gypsum for four different purposes, two of which are directly related to animal waste management.  These two purposes are: 1) Improve surface water quality by reducing dissolved phosphorus concentrations in surface runoff and subsurface drainage, and 2) Improve water quality by reducing the potential for pathogens and other contaminants from moving from areas of manure and biosolids application.  The specific guidance provided in the standard for these two purposes will be discussed.  There are also concerns regarding gypsum use in agriculture which are addressed in the standard.  The guidance regarding these concerns will also be discussed.  Within NRCS, the promotion of Best Management Practices for the natural resource conservation is handled on a state by state bases.  This allows each state to focus on the issues that are most important for their specific region.  An update of the current activities of the NRCS for financial and technical assistance in regards to gypsum use will be discussed.    


H. Allen Torbert

The authors are solely responsible for the content of these proceedings. The technical information does not necessarily reflect the official position of the sponsoring agencies or institutions represented by planning committee members, and inclusion and distribution herein does not constitute an endorsement of views expressed by the same. Printed materials included herein are not refereed publications. Citations should appear as follows. EXAMPLE: Authors. 2017. Title of presentation. Waste to Worth: Spreading Science and Solutions. Cary, NC. April 18-21, 2017. URL of this page. Accessed on: today’s date.


Resources on Manure and Soil Health

Manure has long been used as a crop fertilizer and soil amendment. Research has shown that manure application can positively impact infiltration rates, soil aggregation, water holding capacity, and crop yields.

While manure can be beneficial, overapplication is not. Too much manure in one place can lead to problems with salt buildup and excess nutrients which can lead to problems with water quality. As with most other inputs, manure is most valuable when it is managed to be in balance with plant needs.

What Is Soil Health?

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service both use the following as the definition of soil health developed by Pankhurst et al., 1997.

The continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans.

Resources On Land Application of Manure and Impacts on Soil Health

[Roundtable Series] Four roundtable webinars will focus on soil health testing, soil biology, soil erosion, and cover crops as they pertain to manure application. The weekly series runs from February 9-March 9, 2017. More…

[Article] Environmental Benefits of Manure Application

[Recorded webinars]

Each of the resources listed above includes links to research articles, extension publications, and more. The MaSH webinar also includes information in how to become involved in the learning network and to read or contribute to the project blog.

[Learning Network] The Soil Health Nexus is sponsored by the North Central Water Network but welcomes interested people from all regions

[Book] Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program “Building Soils for Better Crops 3rd Edition“. The sections most relevant to manure and soil health are linked below.

Animal Manures for Increasing Organic Matter and Supplying Nutrients

Manure & Soil Health: Roundtables to Advance our Understanding of the State of the Science

Farmers and ranchers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of soil quality/health to the productivity and sustainability of their agricultural system. Research and field observations have demonstrated that carefully managed manure applications can contribute to improved soil quality with limited environmental and social risks. However, a comprehensive assemblage of outputs and conclusions from research studies, field trials, soil labs databases, and other sources has never been developed. Therefore, the purpose of the initiative, Manure & Soil Health: Understanding and Advancing the State of the Science, is to assemble current knowledge on this topic, make it available to those influencing manure and land management decisions, and use it to inform and facilitate future research and service needs. The intent of the roundtables is to improve our understanding of: current knowledge, critical and emerging issues for which there are knowledge gaps, and information needs of farmers and their advisors.

What’s A Roundtable?

The four, hour-long roundtables consisted of a panel discussion with experts who were asked to summarize their current understanding of topics. Each panel also included a practitioner who shared perspectives on critical information needs of farmers and advisors and field experiences relative to use of manure. Panels were moderated to encourage interaction with audience. Roundtable participants were invited to ask questions of panelists and share expertise and experience.

When Were The Roundtables Held?

Date/Time Topic Panel Experts

February 9, 2017

Manure and Soil Health Testing Bianca Moebius-Clune
Donna Brandt
Russell Dresbach
Geoff Ruth

February 16, 2017

Manure and Soil Biology Rhae Drijber
Michele Soupir
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren

February 23, 2017

Manure and Soil Erosion, Runoff, and Losses Nathan Nelson
John Gilley
Mike Kucera
Andy Scholting

March 9, 2017

Manure and Cover Crops Tim Harrigan
Barry Fisher
Heidi Johnson
Sarah Carlson

Swine Manure Application Method Impact on Soil Arthropods

Does Manure Application Impact Soil Arthropods? *

Soil arthropod populations and diversity provide an indication of the biological quality of soil, which can impact soil fertility. Arthropods include insects, crustaceans, arachnids, myriapods, and scorpions and nearly every soil is inhabited by many different arthropod species. Row-crop soils may contain several dozen species. One particular arthropod species, mites, can have a significant impact on nutrient release in soil. For this study, the impact of swine manure slurry applied via broadcast and injection at a rate designed to meet the agronomic nitrogen needs of corn was investigated to determine the manure application method impact on soil arthropod population and diversity.

What did we do?

Treatments include broadcasted swine slurry, injected swine slurry, and non-manured check plots with four replications per treatment. Plots have been monitored following manure application in June 2014 and will continue through June 2015. Soil samples were removed 4 d prior to manure application and at 1, 2, and 4 weeks and monthly thereafter from 0 to 8 inches on each plot. Arthropods were extracted by use of Burlese funnels and collected species are being sorted and characterized.

What have we learned?

Species characterization is on-going and will be summarized for presentation in the poster session at the conference.

Future Plans

Results of this work will allow us to better understand the impact of manure application on soil biological properties, a component in defining the overall fertility or “health” of soil.


Amy Millmier Schmidt, Assistant Professor and Livestock Bioenvironmental Engineer, University of Nebraska – Lincoln aschmidt@unl.edu

Nicole R. Schuster, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Nebraska – Lincoln; Julie Peterson, Assistant Professor and Entomologist, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Additional information

Dr. Amy Millmier Schmidt; (402) 472-0877; aschmidt@unl.edu


We would like to recognize a number of individuals who assisted with soil sample collection, arthropod extractions, and other laboratory activities over the course of this project, including Keith Miller, Ethan Doyle, Mitch Goedeken, Eric Davis, Lucas Snethan, Kevan Reardon and Kayla Tierramar

The authors are solely responsible for the content of these proceedings. The technical information does not necessarily reflect the official position of the sponsoring agencies or institutions represented by planning committee members, and inclusion and distribution herein does not constitute an endorsement of views expressed by the same. Printed materials included herein are not refereed publications. Citations should appear as follows. EXAMPLE: Authors. 2015. Title of presentation. Waste to Worth: Spreading Science and Solutions. Seattle, WA. March 31-April 3, 2015. URL of this page. Accessed on: today’s date.

Manure and Cover Crops

In the Manure and Cover Crops roundtable, our goal was to discover whether manure and cover crops have complementary benefits related to soil quality. We debated if certain fields will produce more complementary benefits than others and whether timing of application and sampling affects these benefits. Finally, we’ll discussed whether we can derive an economic value for manure beyond its nutrient value. Field experiences and observations related to the value of manure as well as what farmers still need related to soil building with manure were discussed. This dialogue was the final of a four part series discussing the current state of our knowledge relative to manure’s impact on soil health.

If you have difficulties please see our webcast troubleshooting page. If you need to download a copy of a segment, submit a request.

Tim Harrigan, Michigan State University

Barry Fisher, NRCS Regional Soil Health Coordinator

Heidi Johnson, University of Wisconsin

Sarah Carlson, Practical Farmers of Iowa


Other Manure and Soil Health (MaSH) Information

Manure and Soil Erosion, Runoff, and Losses

In the Manure and Soil Erosion, Runoff, and Losses roundtable, our goal was to discover the influence of manure on soil and runoff. We discussed if certain fields will produce more environmental benefits than others and whether timing of application affects these benefits. Finally, we debated whether we can derive an economic and environmental value for manure beyond its nutrient value, due to improved moisture retention and decreased erosion. Field experiences and observations related to the value of manure as well as what farmers still need related to soil building with manure were reviewed. This dialogue was the third in a four part series discussing the current state of our knowledge relative to manure’s impact on soil health.

If you have difficulties please see our webcast troubleshooting page. If you need to download a copy of a segment, submit a request.

Nathan Nelson, Kansas State University

Presentation Slides

John Gilley, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Presentation Slides

Mike Kucera, NRCS National Soil Survey Center

Presentation Slides

Andy Scholting, Nutrient Advisors

Presentation Slides


Other Manure and Soil Health (MaSH) Information

Manure and Soil Health Testing

In the Manure and Soil Health Testing roundtable, our goal was to discover what current soil health tests help to quantify manure impacts on soil characteristics, thus determining which soil test is the best indicator and best value. We debated which types of fields might benefit most from manure used to improve soil health and procedures for collecting samples for soil health tests that would best recognize results from use of manure. Field experiences and observations related to the value of manure as well as what farmers still need related to soil building with manure were discussed. This dialogue was the first of a four part series discussing the current state of our knowledge relative to manure’s impact on soil health.

If you have difficulties please see our webcast troubleshooting page. If you need to download a copy of a segment, submit a request.

Bianca Moebius-Clune, NRCS Soil Health Division

Russ Dresbach and Donna Brandt, Missouri Soil Health Assessment Center

Geoff Ruth, Nebraska Crop Farmer


Other Manure and Soil Health (MaSH) Information