Air Emissions After Manure Land Application Including Subsurface Application of Poultry Litter and Solid Manure

When manure is land applied there are many different gases emitted, including greenhouse gases and those that contribute to odors. How much is emitted and how does that change with different application methods? This presentation was originally broadcast on September 18, 2009. More… Continue reading “Air Emissions After Manure Land Application Including Subsurface Application of Poultry Litter and Solid Manure”

Evaluating Manure Treatment Through Farm Pilot Project Coordination

Manure treatment technologies are not one size fits all. Wouldn’t it be great if we could learn from others that have implemented many different farm scale technologies? Fortunately, the Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc. has a wealth of information related to its 40 projects. This presentation was originally broadcast on August 21, 2009. More… Continue reading “Evaluating Manure Treatment Through Farm Pilot Project Coordination”

Carbon Footprint of Animal Agriculture Webcast

Many people are concerned about greenhouse gases and climate change. The carbon footprint of animal agriculture is an issue being used by many to encourage people to eat less meat. What is the true footprint of US animal production? How does production efficiency impact the numbers? This presentation was originally broadcast on July 31, 2009. More… Continue reading “Carbon Footprint of Animal Agriculture Webcast”