LPES Curriculum Small Farm Fact Sheets

The LPES Small Farms Fact Sheet series was prepared to inform the large, diverse population of small-scale animal producers about environmental stewardship and to provide the latest environmental information to educators and advisors. In this information, producers are encouraged to practice environmentally sound management with the goal of increasing the success of their animal operations. The series was developed by 20 national experts from 12 land-grant universities, the EPA National Ag Assistance Centre, MWPS and the USDA.

  1. Small-Scale Farmers and the Environment: How to be a Good Steward by Mark Rice, North Carolina State University
    1. Spanish version:Cómo proteger el medio ambiente en los ranchos y granjas pequeños por Mark Rice, North Carolina State University
  2. The ABCs of Pasture Grazingby Ben Bartlett, Michigan State University
    1. Spanish version:El abecé del pastoreo por Ben Bartlett, Michigan State University
  3. Manure on Your Farm: Asset or Liability? by Craig Cogger, Washington State University
  4. Protecting the Water on Your Small Farm by Joe Harrison, Washington State University
  5. Managing Animal Deaths: Your Options by Frank Humenik, North Carolina State University
  6. Got Barnyard Runoff? by Chris Henry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Joe Harner, Kansas State University
  7. A Horse Owner’s Guide to Good Stewardship by Randall James, Ohio State University Extension
  8. Need a Vegetative Treatment System for Your Barnyard or Lot? by Chris Henry, Rick Koelsch, and Jason Gross, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, and Joe Harner,, Kansas State University
  9. The ABCs of Livestock Watering Systems by Ben Bartlett, Michigan State University
  10. The ABCs of Electric Livestock Fencing by Ben Bartlett, Michigan State University
  11. Nutrient Management–SIMPLIFIED! by Randall James, Ohio State University Extension

Small Farms Team Members

A national team of subject matter experts from land-grant universities, the EPA National Ag Assistance Center, MWPS, and the USDA collaborated in the development of the Small Farms Fact Sheet series.

  • Mark Rice, North Carolina State University
  • Ben Bartlett, Michigan State University
  • Diane Huntrods, MWPS, Iowa State University
  • Charlie Abdalla, Pennsylvania State University
  • Jill Auburn, USDA
  • Tommy Bass, University of Georgia
  • Roy Bullock, Tennessee State University
  • Craig Cogger, Washington State Universityv
  • Denis Ebodaghe, USDA
  • Carl Evensen, University of Hawaii
  • Carol Galloway, EPA National Ag Assistance Center
  • Doug Hamilton, Oklahoma State University
  • Joe Harner, Kansas State University
  • Joe Harrison, Washington State University
  • Chris Henry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Frank Humenik, North Carolina State University
  • Jimo Ibrahim, North Carolina A&T
  • Randy James, Ohio State University
  • Rick Koelsch, University of Nebraska
  • Ginah Mortensen, EPA National Ag Assistance Center
  • Mark Risse, University of Georgia
  • Marion Simon, Kentucky State University

The LPES Small Farms series was developed with support from USDA,U.S. EPA’s National Ag Assistance Center,and University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension at Lincoln, under Cooperative Agreement Number 2003-39490-14107.

Manure Management on Small Farms

What Does “Small Farm” Mean?

Small farms are typically smaller in size, with fewer animal numbers, less acreage and have a lighter regulatory burden than larger farms, which may often be designated as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or CAFO’s. Small farms are often able to implement lower cost solutions to animal waste concerns than are larger farms.

The USDA and EPA give broad definitions of what constitutes a small farm. A small farm could have 150 dairy cows in the midwestern or western dairy belt or it could be a 30–head flock of sheep raised for an organic market. It could be a 100 head sow herd or 10 head of beef cows and their calves on a retirement farm. Small farms may include both commercial and hobby farms.

Small farms are often quite diverse (University of Rhode Island Small Acreage Livestock Program). A horse-boarding farm in the northeast that exports all manure off-site is very different from a 150-head dairy farm that spreads all manure on owned acreage. Both could be called small farms but the management challenges would be very different for each. A majority of residential/lifestyle farms may also experience high stocking rates (or animal units per acre). Farms with limited land resources must rely on exporting manure to manage the animal waste.

What is an Animal Feeding Operation (AFO)?

Animal feeding operations (AFOs) are agricultural enterprises where animals are kept and raised in confined situations. As defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and your state regulatory agency, an AFO is a lot or facility where animals have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed, or maintained for a total of 45 days or more in any 12-month period. Feed is brought to the animals rather than the animals grazing or otherwise seeking feed in pastures or fields or on rangeland. Animals are not considered to be stabled or confined when they are in areas such as pastures or rangeland that sustain crops or forage growth during the entire time that animals are present.

Small Farm Livestock Collage

Small farms must first determine if they meet the definition of an AFO. If not, they are considered a “pasture based operation.” If the operation meets the definition of an AFO, then they must determine if they meet the definition of a CAFO (small or medium). This determination is a function of size and connection to surface water resources. There are times when a pasture based operation may be subject to regulation. Any Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) that discharges manure or wastewater into a natural or man-made ditch, stream or other waterway can also be defined as a CAFO, regardless of size. See What if My Operation is an AFO but not a CAFO?.

USDA Definition of Small Farm

The United States Department of Agriculture defines a small farm as having less than $250,000 in annual gross sales (USDA Small Farm Definitions). According to the National Commission on Small Farms these farms constitute 90 percent of U.S. farms, contain 67 percent of farm land, and hold 77 percent of farm sector net worth. In 2004, small farms accounted for 26 percent of all agricultural receipts from crops and livestock. The Small Business Administration (SBA) generally classifies farms as small if they have sales less than $500,000. By SBA standards, about 97 percent of U.S. family farms are small (USDA-Economic Research Service).

All farms with livestock, regardless of size, can be environmental risks. It doesn’t matter if there is one animal or many, if animal housing, pastures and manure is not properly managed, there is a potential to harm the environment or cause problems for neighbors.


Environmental Stewardship for Small Farms

All small farms should strive to achieve good land and animal stewardship: Small-Scale Farmers and the Environment: How to be a Good Steward ( Spanish Language Version). Well managed farms will:

  1. Minimize barnyard and manure runoff into streams or wetlands
  2. Properly account for manure spread on crop or pastureland
  3. Properly store manure to utilize this resource during the growing season
  4. Manage animals and manure on pastures to maintain pasture quality, control field erosion, and control animal traffic near streams
  5. Keep records about their operation.

Small farm manure management poses different kinds of challenges than does manure management on larger farms. This section will connect you with some of the best resources about managing manure on small farms. Follow the links below for helpful information:

Authors: Michael Westendorf, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and Mark Rice, North Carolina State University; Updated November 25, 2008

Livestock Mortality Composting – Beyond the Basics Part 1

The topics for this webcast include: pile characteristics for effective composting, management and environmental considerations when siting and managing composting facilities; mortality compost nutrients for on-farm use; and teaching the benefits of mortality composting to producers. This presentation was originally broadcast on August 15, 2014. More… Continue reading “Livestock Mortality Composting – Beyond the Basics Part 1”

Water Quality Grab Bag: Composting, Horse Farm Manure Management, Nutrient Losses from Litter Stockpiles

The first “road trip” for the webcast series. These were webcast live from the 2010 National Water Quality Conference Meeting. The presentations include: increasing on-farm composting capacity, horse farm best management practices, and nutrient losses from poultry litter stockpiles. This was originally broadcast on February 24, 2010. More… Continue reading “Water Quality Grab Bag: Composting, Horse Farm Manure Management, Nutrient Losses from Litter Stockpiles”

Managing Manure on Small Farms Webcast

What is a small farm and why should we be concerned about nutrient management on small-scale operations? This webcast presentation will also include a tour of electronically available resources for small farm nutrient management and what goes into developing a nutrient management plan for small farms. The presenters are: Chris Henry, University of Nebraska; Mark Rice, North Carolina State University; Mike Westendorf, Rutgers University; and Fred Kelly, USDA NRCS. This presentation was originally broadcast on June 20, 2008. More… Continue reading “Managing Manure on Small Farms Webcast”

Webcasts and Virtual Tours of Vegetative Treatment Systems (VTS)

This webcast discusses the design and management of vegetative treatment systems (VTS) for managing barnyard and open lot runoff. The seminar includes findings from a large collaborative effort to summarize past work on VTS systems. It also includes VTS applications to small and large feeding operations. The presenters are Rick Koelsch and Chris Henry, University of Nebraska, and Lara Moody, Iowa State University. This presentation was originally broadcast on November 16, 2007. More… Continue reading “Webcasts and Virtual Tours of Vegetative Treatment Systems (VTS)”