Adoption Trends of Nutrient Related Practices on Canadian Livestock Farms

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This presentation will provide key results of the 2011 Farm Environmental Management Survey (FEMS) for practices related to manure nutrient management on Canadian livestock farms.   A number of landscape based practices are evaluated for both confined livestock and grazing livestock.  For confined livestock this includes various aspects of manure management such as time, rate, and method of land application.  For grazing livestock specific practices include degree of access to surface water bodies, and management of in field winter feeding systems such as swath or bale grazing.  For confined livestock a number of farmyard based practices are also evaluated.  These include size and features of manure storages, manure treatment technologies, and management of wastewater.  

The presentation will also provide a comparison of adoption of these practices with the previous FEMS 2006 survey.   FEMS is a joint initiative of Statistics Canada (StatsCan) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in collaboration with various provincial government agriculture departments.  The survey is used, together with other data sources, to generate agri-environmental indicators that measure effectiveness of past programs and policies, and help develop appropriate future responses.  (Note:  Data is to be released to AAFC in September, 2012.  Analysis to be done in the fall 2012 and early winter 2013.  Abstract can be updated at a later date prior to the conference to include key results.)


Dennis Haak, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


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