New Technologies for Drainage Water Management and Subsurface Irrigation

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“Drain only the amount of water needed to ensure equipment access and healthy crop production, and not a drop more.” -Dr. Wayne Skaggs

Drainage water management is a practice that has been around for years. When a farmer sees a drain tile running, even though it hasn’t rained for a month, he must ask himself, “Why?”. In the past, plugging the tile was an option. This was effective but problems could occur if the plug was not removed after a heavy rainfall.

For over 35 years, Agri Drain Corporation has manufactured and supplied products for water management. These products have evolved, and today, are used for the implementation of drainage water management and subsurface irrigation.

water level control structure for drainage water management

Water Level Control Structure for drainage water management.

Agri Drain’s Water Level Control Structures are well known as a device used to manage the water table without plugging the tile.  Agri Drain recently introduced the “Water Gate”, a float activated head pressure valve. The Water Gate is used in conjunction with a Water Level Control Structure, allowing drainage water management to be utilized on ground that may not have been viable in the past.

The benefit of Drainage Water Management is twofold, a potential yield increase and nutrient retention, resulting in improved water quality. We will explain how both these goals can be met, benefiting the farmer and the environment. Related: “Preferential Flow of Manure in Tile Drainage

Why Be Concerned About Subsurface Drainage and Water Quality?

Agri Drain supports the practice of drainage water management as a way to improve water quality and potentially increase crop yields. 

What Did We Do?

For over 35 years, Agri Drain Corporation has manufactured and supplied products for water management. These products have evolved, and today, are used for the implementation of drainage water management and subsurface irrigation.

What Have We Learned?

Agri Drain is a member of Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition  (ADMC). ADMC exists as a resource of the latest technologies in drainage water management systems. ADMC is committed to assisting the agricultural and environmental communities in improving water quality and increasing yields for food and energy producers. A five-state Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) was secured by ADMC to demonstrate the effectiveness of drainage water management. Agri Drain supplied many of the products used in this demonstration. The results of this study can be viewed at under the CIG Executive Summary.

Check Out These Other Presentations About Tile Drainage

Swine Manure Timing & Subsurface Drainage

Tile Drainage Field Day

Use of Filters in Drainage Control Structures

Role of Drainage Depth and Intensity on Nutrient Loss

Future Plans

Agri Drain will continue to develop and improve existing products that help support the implementation of drainage water management.


Phil Algreen, Customer Service/Technical Support, Agri Drain Corporation    

Additional Information

Agri Drain Corporation
1462 340th Street
Adair, IA 50002
Ph: 800-232-4742



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