Lesson 51. Mortality Management

The LPES Curriculum CD available from MWPS contains all lessons at print quality resolution, is searchable, and includes an index and PowerPoint presentations for each lesson. A full, printed version is available as is a 2-CD set of the lessons in PageMaker format. For more information or to purchase LPES materials, contact MWPS by phone at 1-800-562-3618, by fax at 1-515-294-9589, or by e-mail at mwps@iastate.edu For prices and to order on line just click on the Order Products button.

View Lesson 51. Individual sections can be accessed below.

Intended Outcomes

Participants will:

  • Explain why timely management of mortality is important.
  • List the different methods for managing mortality.
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for managing mortality.
  • Explain conceptually the sizing of mortality composting facilities.



Participants will estimate

  • Composter bin volume requirements.
  • The size of a manure storage facility.

Author: Don Stettler