Swine WFNB Tools


Whole Farm Nutrient Balance Calculator for Swine Farms

This tool is a Microsoft Excel based program that calculates the WFNB.

WFNB is a method for defining the overall nutrient use facility on a livestock facility including both the animal and cropping system. It encourages comparison of all nutrients entering and exiting a livestock farm with the goal of achieving a ratio of 1 lb input to 1 lb managed output. It also can be used to evaluate all nutrient management options for achieving a sustainable production facility for nutrients.

Introduction to Opportunities Checklist for My Farm’s Whole Farm Nutrient Balance

Reductions in nutrient losses to the environment may depend upon the following changes: storage and handling practices, feed management, nutrient management planning, exporting of manure, etc.

Opportunities Checklist for Feed Management

If an estimate of Whole Farm Nutrient Balance for your farm identified opportunities for nitrogen or phosphorus balance improvement, then consider feed management practices for their potential to improve a nutrient balance.

Opportunities Checklist for Cropping System

If an estimate of Whole Farm Nutrient Balance for your farm identified opportunities for nitrogen or phosphorus balance improvement, then consider crop management practices for their potential to improve a nutrient balance.

Opportunities Checklist for Manure Export

If an estimate of Whole Farm Nutrient Balance for your farm identified opportunities for nitrogen or phosphorus balance improvement, then consider manure export practices for their potential to improve a nutrient balance.

Opportunities Checklist Manure Treatment, Storage, and Handling

If an estimate of Whole Farm Nutrient Balance for your farm identified opportunities for nitrogen or phosphorus balance improvement, then consider manure storage and handling practices for their potential to improve a nutrient balance.