Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Presentations, Publications, and Virtua Tours


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This mini-workshop will highlight tools and techniques for revving up posters, publications, or demonstrations through augmented reality (AR). AR is different from virtual reality in that it is not immersive, but rather, adds a layer to the physical world. We will explore how to create interactive print (posters, publications), enhance web publications (3D), and look at possibilities for virtual tours (Introduce an app and some examples, including Extension-produced ones).

Finally, we will walk through the steps to add AR to a print publication. Prior to this workshop, if possible, download the free Aurasma app and follow the LPELC channel (all uppercase – important).

Some apps highlighted in this workshop:

  • Aurasma – there is a free version, not as full-featured as Layar
  • Guidigo – virtual tours, can create tours that function without Internet, educators can create 2 free but they have worked with educators to do more
  • Sketchfab – 3D, universal
  • Google Translate/Word Lens
  • Layar – interactive print, most popular, pay per page created

More apps to explore:

  • Blippar
  • Unity
  • 3D Flashcards
  • Augment – 3D


Jill Heemstra, University of Nebraska

Additional Information

Apple’s New Big Thing

[Recorded Webinar] Augmented Reality: A New Tool for Extension (also includes links to 4 blog posts about AR)

[Recorded Webinar] 3-D Virtual Reality Infographic Production


Michele Kroll, University of Missouri and Allan Dennis, Oregon State University for some of the examples presented in this workshop.

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