Translating Beef Production Research to Marketing Outcomes

The audience will learn about different beef production systems and their performance outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to expound upon the information shared, inquire with panelists, and actively participate in beef marketing improvements.

Interactive Panel


Dr. Megan Webb, Assistant Professor and Beef Production Systems Extension Specialist, University of Minnesota

Ms. Karin Schaefer, Executive Director, Minnesota Beef Council


Ms. June Dunn, Field Specialist, Greater Omaha Packing Company

Dr. Alan Rotz, Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management

Dr. Garrett Steede, Teaching Assistant Professor, Ag. Education, Communication and Marketing, University of Minnesota

Mr. Jerry Wulf, Partner at Wulf Cattle Company

Corresponding Author

Megan Webb, University of Minnesota,


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